Clear Aligners FAQs

Have questions about clear aligners in Valencia? Find answers most frequent question patients have about clear aligners. If you have any other questions or would like to schedule an appointment, we would love to hear from you!
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Clear Aligners

Clear aligners is a fantastic orthodontic treatment method that helps millions of people achieve their dream smile every year. To determine if you are a candidate for clear aligners, we will conduct a thorough examination and discuss your treatment with you at length. To schedule a consultation for Invisalign in Valencia, give us a call at (661) 253-0812.

Unlike braces, you can eat whatever you like as long as you remove your clear aligners before eating! Before you place the aligners back in your mouth, it’s important to brush your teeth and clean your aligners first.

As with braces, it is common to have some temporary discomfort at the beginning of each new set of clear aligners. Typically, it is described as pressure or soreness, and a sign that the clear aligner trays are working and moving your teeth.

Depending on your unique smile, most clear aligner treatments take 12-18 months to complete. Minor cosmetic cases can take as little as six months from start to finish. However more complex scenarios may require up to 24 months.

During your initial consultation, our Valencia dentist can provide you with an estimated timeframe for your Invisalign case. Each individual is different, so it’s important to see your smile in person before providing a treatment timeframe.

By wearing your aligners as directed and changing them out as prescribed, you can ensure that your treatment stays on target. Otherwise, you could accidentally delay results and lengthen your time in aligners.

Clear aligners may take some getting used to, but most people find that their speech is not significantly affected.

You typically visit your dentist in Valencia every six to eight weeks during clear aligners treatment to check your progress and receive new aligners.

Pricing for clear aligners treatment is dependent upon several factors, including how many aligners are required and the length of your specific treatment plan. If you have orthodontic benefits under your insurance plan, this will also reduce your out-of-pocket costs. At Valencia Aesthetic Dentistry, we offer flexible monthly payments on all clear aligner treatments, making it convenient and affordable to enjoy a straighter, healthier smile.